Goals for today:
- Earn at least 40 Points by entering and exiting short and/or long trades on 1 min FDAX chart in a Decision Point Area from the 5 Min Chart.
- Earn at least 100 Points by entering and exiting short and/or long trades on a 1 Min Chart in a Decision Point Area from the 5 Min Chart.
- Earn at least 10 Points by entering and exiting short and/or long trades on 5 min ES chart in a Decision Point Area with 2 contracts.
- Don't make anymore trades once the profits are cashed in.
Determine trend, entry and exit points, times where I have to make a decision.
Like last Monday my plan is to short the FDAX after the 3.00 am open then cover the short at the Decision Point, go long again for the double top, short around 6:55 and finally cover the short at a Decision Point or 8 am.
Then I am looking forward to go long on 9:30 on the S&P Future (9:00 on CL), around 11:10 sell and then cover the short around lunchtime.
Profit 80 Points MTP Manual DP System FDAX
Profit 100 Points MTP Manual DP System CL
Profit 11,75 Points MTP Manual DP System ES
Profit 28 Points Automatic Overbought & Oversold System FDAX
All worked your really well, so once again buying and selling in DP areas is the safest way to trade, even the opening minutes can be traded with high risk reward, especially the first two crazy swings that happen around 3 am and 9.30 I traded well.
One thing I learned was to get in once the flux capacitor predicts no higher highs, always looking for voids in the chart the earlier I am in a trade the better. But this also depends on the type of day so like to day we had very rapid moves whereas last monday the price bars had to first form a cup shaped pattern before enough traders got on board to finally make the massive moves possible.
I was not greedy, happy with the points I earned by following my rules, so I did not expect a massive sell like last monday but a normal retracement from the rally after the open just like it happend this morning at 4.40 am. In the end it played out that we got the massive sell after 12 am. So what I have to avoid is looking at crude oil and assuming just because it is in an uptrend the stock market also can rally and I have to read the flux capacitor differently:
If the powerzone is still blue I am looking for short entries.
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