Strategy for trading on tuesdays is to enter low risk trend trades after 2.45 am, 3.20 am, 5.30 am, 7.05 am - 8.20 am, 8.45 am, 9.30 am, 10.20 am
after 3 am: Long above 7072 or Reversal at Prior 7056 Support, Short below 7065 or on Reversal at Prior 7080 Resistance or low risk entry signal before the breakout. Maybe first a gap fill and then a test of the double top.
after 3 am: Long above 7072 or Reversal at Prior 7056 Support, Short below 7065 or on Reversal at Prior 7080 Resistance or low risk entry signal before the breakout. Maybe first a gap fill and then a test of the double top.
- 3.52 am long
- 5.23 am LONG
- 8.07 am LONG
after 9:30 am: First a move in the direction of the gap fill on the S&P then the trend from this morning continues so most likely up. Short below 7091 , Long above 7097 or on low risk entry signal before the breakout
- 10.15 am LONG
- 10.57 am short
- 11.30 am long
Crude Oil Trades: In addition to entry times that happen on stock market indices I am looking for moves after 9.00 am and 1.30 pm
- 3.40 am LONG
- 8.16 am LONG
- 9.01 am SHORT
- 11.15 am LONG
- 1.28 am SHORT
- Correct for the S&P as a long setup did move the price up to the 1250 long target
- Correct for the Euro as a short setup did move the price down to the 1.3130 short target although prior session close at 1.3113 was a better exit price.
- Wrong for the T-Bond as there was no long setup instead a short trend down to the pivot at 120'19.25 happend.
- Correct for the Nasdaq as a long setup almost moveed the price up to the 2240 long target.
- Correct for the Crude Oil as a long setup almost moved the price up to the 90 target.
- Correct for the FDAX as a long setup almost moved the price up to the 7110 target.
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