Todays Plans:
- Plan for trading the FDAX is to go long up to 7258 / 7288 / 7315
- Plan for trading crude oil is to go long up to 101.77 / 102.06 / 102.77
- Plan for trading EURUSD is go long up to 1.4468
- Plan for trading the bund is to go short down to 125.31 / 125.04
- Plan for trading the FDAX is to go short down to 7272 (50%) and long up till close
- Plan for trading crude oil is to go long up to 103.30 and short down to 102.26 and long up to 102.77
- Plan for trading the euro future is to go short down to 1.4325
- Plan for trading the nasdaq is to go long up to 2362.50 and short down to 2346 and long up till close